Is tomato a fruit? - Pinnacle

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Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Is tomato a fruit?

It is a fruit that act like a vegetable, they are delicious fruit, sweet and juicy.
It is developed from the ovary in the base of the flower and contain seeds of the plant.

Health benefit - it is loaded with health protective antioxidants such as lycopene, Vitamin B,Vitamin A, Vitamin C contains Copper,potassium,dietary, fiber,
Reduces risks of heart disease and cancer. It can help to lose weight by replacing it with low calories food.

Events: Tomatoes are used in parties to prepare Jollof Rice, Stew, garnishing, spice up chicken

*Let us give you a taste of this delicious fruit in your next event, order online.
A taste will convince you.
Pinnacle Jollof.
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Various method of using tomatoes

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