Do it yourself! Meat Pie Recipe - Pinnacle


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Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Do it yourself! Meat Pie Recipe



 For the dough:

1kg plain flour
500g margarine/butter
125ml cold water
2 teaspoon baking powder
1 medium egg
A pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon cream tartar.

For the filling:
2 Irish potatoes
2 carrot
500g minced meat
1 onion
2 cooking spoons of vegetable oil
1 teaspoon of thyme
A pinch of garlic/ginger powder (optional)
1 teaspoon of curry
2 stock cubes
1 teaspoon plain flour
250ml cold water
Salt to taste

Filling preparation:

Peel the Irish potatoes and scrape the carrots, wash and chop these two into small cubes. Wash and slice the onions into tiny pieces

With your cooker or stove set to medium heat, heat the vegetable oil in a pot, add the dice onions and stock cubes,curry,garlic/ginger and thyme then stir for a bit, add the minced meat and stir vigorously till the minced meat turn pale.

Add 1 cup of water, cover the pot and once the contents of the pot start boiling, add the diced carrots ND potatoes and cook till everything is well done.
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of plain flour in half cup of water and add to the meat pie filling. So that the meat pie filling does not dry up during baking and also served as thickner.

As salt to taste,stir the contents and turn off the heat.  Set the meat pie filling aside.

Dough Preparation:

Pour flour in a sizeable bowl; add baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix that's dry ingredients very well.

Add the margarine in small bits into the bowl of flour.  The smaller  you make the bits of Margarine,the easier it will be for you to rub them into the flour. Mix thoroughly with your hands until it looks like fine bread crumbs.

Start adding cold water in bits while at the same time folding the mix till a stiff ball of dough is formed. Knead the dough very well,put back in the bowl and leave to rest for 7minutes.  This makes the dough more elastic.

Line a pie plate with one of the prepared pastries. Fill the pie with the filling and rub whisked egg on the edge of the dough.  Place the remaining pastry over the pie and press the edges together to seal.  Be sure to cut steam vent in to the top pastry (usually done with a fork).

Preheat  an oven to 400 degree F (200 degree C)  for 15minutes.

Bake in the preheated oven;  reduce the heat to 350degree F(175 degrees C)  and continue  cooking until the pastry is browned and the filling is bubbling a bit,  another 20 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven and allow the pie to cool 5 to 10minutes before cutting to serve.

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