Do it yourself! Puff Puff Recipe. - Pinnacle

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Thursday, 15 March 2018

Do it yourself! Puff Puff Recipe.

500g or 4 cups of plain flour
100g or 4/5 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons of yeast
1/2 teaspoons of grounded nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
About 2 cups or 250ml of lukewarm water (as much as required to get consistency)
Vegetable oil for frying.

Pour the flour into a big bowl, add sugar,salt,yeast and nutmeg then mix together.

Add water bit by bit and mix thoroughly for about 8-10 minutes. It is better mixed for hand so as to kick thoroughly and get the consistency required. (Batter should be thick and smooth with a couple of bubbles)

Cover the bowl with dry table cloth or aluminum foil and allow it to rise for about 45-60 minutes. At this point you will notice some air bubbles on it and also the batter thicker, stretchy and about twice it's size.

Heat up the vegetable oil.
Scope the batter into your palm and drop into the oil by pressing the batter between your thumb and your fore finger.

Fry batter until golden brown

Tip: drop a bit of the dough into the heated vegetable oil and allow it to rise up to the surface to confirm the oil is ready for frying

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