Flat tummy recipe - Pinnacle

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Friday, 10 August 2018

Flat tummy recipe


Welcome to another new week, hope all had a well spent weekend.
If you are looking forward for a flat tummy without loosing your hips and breast, struggling to bring back your youthful figure 8 shape that you lost maybe due to child birth, over feeding and too much alcohol especially men, here comes your solution.
Use this continually for 2 week to one month and thank me later

_2litters of water
_1large cucumber
_1tablespoon full of grated ginger
_ 12mint leaves
Note: if you don't have mint leaves you can use parlsey or celery


_ cut lemons and cucumber into small slices and pour inside your jar of water
_ pour your grated ginger
_ wash and cut mint leaves and throw inside, close the jar and allow to infuse for one day or overnight
_ drink first thing in the morning and make sure to finish within the course of the day. Make another new batch for the next day. Continue the process for two weeks and see result.

_ cut cucumber and lemon into pieces, add ginger and parlsey into it and blend. Drink immediately early morning first thing and last thing before going to bed for two weeks, u can still continue if you feel you have not cut down enough

Now to maintain the shape you have gotten, drink warm water mix with lemon every morning, stay for like one hour and eat fruits.

 What I do to maintain my shape is that I drink 1.5litters of water every morning and eat only fruits still 12 noon, those who know me can testify you can never determine my age. Just drinking 1.5litters of waters for three months consistently makes all your body organs to start functioning well, flushes out all fat and toxic from your body, makes you smart and ever young.

  Also drinking 1.5litters of water and later eat fruits on an empty stomach is best for glowing skin, the best way to eat fruits is on an empty stomach not after meals as we all know. I will teach the advantages of eating fruits on an empty stomach next lesson. It purify and glows your skin. Try it and thank me later

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