Recipe- Local Fresh Croaker Fish Peppersoup - Pinnacle

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Friday, 24 August 2018

Recipe- Local Fresh Croaker Fish Peppersoup


Different people with different ways of making their peppersoup.  I love my peppersoup the local way and must be spicy.  Lol.

1. Fresh croaker ( scaled, gutted and cut up )
2. Scotch bonnet pepper ( blended or diced )
3. Seasoning cube
4. Uyayak ( Aidan pods )
5. Blend of local mixed peppersoup spices (  ehuru, ataiko seeds, irugege seeds, gbafilo, uziza seeds, uda seeds etc )
6. Onion chopped for steaming
7. Salt to taste
8. Scent leaf or uziza leaf- chopped

1. Steam fish with little water, seasoning cube, onion and pepper for about 15 minutes depending on the size of fish and quantity. 
2. Now add water to your fish enough to come up almost to the level of the fish, add your mixed spices, uyayak, seasoning cube, scotch bonnet pepper (easy on your pepper if you're not good with spicy food). Cover and allow to cook on medium heat until all the different flavours from the spices marries together and get properly infused into the fish. Add your chopped scent leaf or uziza leaf and cook for about a minute.  Put off heat and serve hot..

Enjoy your day.

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