Recipe- Chicken Vegetable Bread Roll - Pinnacle

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Monday, 13 August 2018

Recipe- Chicken Vegetable Bread Roll

Here's another great way of helping our kids eat vegetable meals as most kids finds vegetables repelling.

1. Grilled chicken - shredded  ( could be fried or steamed )
2. Shredded cabbage
3. Shredded carrot
4. Green bell pepper Chopped
5. Sliced onion- optional
6. Chopped lettuce
7. Mayonnaise
8. Butter
9. Very soft sliced bread
10. Rolling pin

A. Mix shredded chicken, vegetables and mayonnaise together and set aside .

B. Roll out each slice of bread flat with the aid of rolling pin, carefully slice off the edges.  Spread your butter thinly on the bread.  Scoop your vegetable to the edge of the bread and roll tightly.  Continue this process until the vegetable is exhausted. Spread little butter on the outter part of the bread rolls. Toast each bread roll lightly in a dry saute pan ( fry pan ) until golden brown. 
Note:- toasting is optional . These Bread rolls could be eaten without having to toast them. 
 Enjoy with a cup of tea, coffee or drink of choice.

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