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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

GREEN Vs RED APPLE: Which should you choose and why?

Beyond the obvious colour difference, some do ask if there is really any nutritional difference between the Green and Red apple. The answer is yes!
Let’s see why you may decide to go for either of these two apples. First, it’s important for us to know that apples are one of the most common fruits in the world today, available in all seasons and known for its high nutritional content. Although they are available in different sizes and colours (such as purple, yellow etc.), the Green and Red apple are the most common. In general, apples are heart friendly, aids in diarrhea and constipation, hypertension, colon cancer, mouth and stomach ulcer, promote healthy digestion etc.

Below is the nutritional (on average) content per serving (1 small apple = 120g = 1 cup diced apple) of apples in general:
Calories = 55cal; Carbohydrate = 14.64g; Protein = 0.28g; Fat = 0.18g; Dietary fibre = 2.5g; Sodium = 1mg; Potassium = 113mg; Cholesterol = 0mg.

Now let’s talk about nine (9) differences between these two most common types of apples and which might be best for you to choose!

(1)   TASTE: The Red apples are usually juicy, sweeter, soft and have the texture of a soggy cotton wool while the Green apples are usually hard, crispy, and a little sour in taste than the Red. For taste, choose whichever suits your taste buds!
(2)   CARBOHYDRATE: Red apples have increased carbs (15.33g/cup) than the Green apples (14.83g/cup). But looking at the difference, this is negligible.
(3)   SUGARS: For those with diabetes or conscious of their carbohydrate and sugar intake, Green apples would be the most preferred choice because the Green apples contain very lesser amount of fructose and decreases the risk of diabetes compared to the amount of fructose found in Red apples. This also explains why the Red apples are sweeter than the Green version. For growing children, the Red apple might be more acceptable for its sweeter taste and softer texture!
(4)   CALORIES: For the weight watchers and those interested in weight loss, Green apples are preferred because they have lesser calories (36cal/cup) compared to the Red (52kcal/cup). If you are interested in weight gain, grabbing the Red instead of the Green could be a better choice for you!
(5)    FIBRE: this is an important component for weight loss and smooth functioning of the digestive process. Green apples have more dietary fibre (3.1g/cup) compared to the Red (2.4g/cup).
(6)   SODIUM AND POTASSIUM: Green and Red apples are generally low in sodium and rich in potassium making them a healthy snack for people living with hypertension.
(7)   ANTHOCYANINS: This is an antioxidant that plays a key role in protecting our bodies, lowering cholesterol, prevent cancer, protect the heart, eye, brain and many more! For anthocyanins, Red apple comes out as the winner because it contains nearly 5x as much anthocyanins as green apples which have little or none!
(8)    URSOLIC ACID:  This acid is found more on the peel of Green apples and is known to help reverse the effect of past drinking on the liver through detoxification thus reducing the risk of liver diseases such as the fatty liver.
(9)   COSMETIC BENEFITS: Apart from nutrition, the Green apple wins for cosmetic uses. Its extracts is used in skin products to help aid skin glow, give a fairer complexion, treat skin allergies like eczema, remove dark circles, improve hair quality and aids teeth whitening.

Amongst all, it is important to note that apples are more similar than different and the general saying that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is applicable to both the Red and Green apples thus eating one a day is sure a wise choice! “Which one is healthier?” Or “Which one should you choose?” The answer most definitely depends on the nutrient most important to you as explained above.
If you have a comment or question, please drop it.

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